Tammy Sweeden Obsessed with Acting Rich and Looking Rich!

Tammy Sweeden Likes to Act and Look Rich

tammy sweeden

Tammay Louise Sweeden = Tammy Sweeden

What does a killer and a thief look like?? That’s the question.

Tammy Sweeden is obsessed with acting and looking RICH.  Anyone who knows Tammy Sweeden will tell you she owns over 300 pairs of shoes and she has collected a wardrobe that will fill a large bedroom with rows of self standing clothes racks.  Looks very similar to a small retail boutique. I’ve seen it.  Tammy Sweeden maxes out credit cards and has declared bankruptcy twice during her adult life.  She spends her last dime on clothes and shoes.  She likes to fool the public and acquaintances with her fake persona.

I have been fortunate to have started and owned several small companies over a period of 40 years.  I also have a college education and a four year degree.  I was never what I call a wealthy man – however, I earned a much higher amount than most people. I always lived below my means and never flaunted anything. I saved money and invested it.  I am quite conservative. I’ve never owned more than 4 pairs of shoes at one time.  I do not even own a suit.

Tammy Sweeden wears many kinds of disguises.  She’s been seen wearing several types of wigs and sunglasss.

Tammy Sweeden only has a high school education and her limited skill set would only command a salary of $40K a year or less.  In other words, Tammy Sweeden must borrow or steal money in order to appear to be RICH.  She is unable to actually earn the money it takes to live the lifestyle she wants.  This does not mean she is stupid.  Tammy Sweeden is very inteligent.

Tammy Sweeden always wanted to marry a rich man.  Again, she is obsessed with looking and acting rich.  I can’t emphasize this enough.

Tammy tries hard to look young and attractive enough to lure men.  It is getting more and more difficult for Tammy Sweeden to lure men because she’s now a 50 year old woman.  Tammy Sweeden is no longer a young vibrant healthy woman.

Tammy Sweeden has constant shoulder and back pain.  She has daily headaches and consistent stomach pains and throws up often. Tammy is also bi-polar and suffers with depression.  Tammy Sweeden is not a well woman and also has terrific hormonal problems. She takes daily pain killing drugs – she’s addicted.

Tammy Sweeden  also has a weight problem.  She’s a sugar addict and seldom eats healthy.  She’s very concerned about her LOOKS. Gravity has taken a toll on her breasts – they droop and hang down like two large bananas.  When she gains weight it seems to go straight to her stomach.  I’ve seen her stomach hang towards her knees. Not very appealing.  Tammy Sweeden is physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually SICK.

After Tammy Sweeden stole my life-savings, besides retaining her criminal attorney, I’m sure the 2nd major expense was a boob job and possiby some liposuction. Again, Tammy wants to look and act rich – plus it is important for Tammy Sweeden to lure men with her sexuality.

In Tammy’s mind, I may have been her last chance to get any “real” money. She asked me to marry her several times.  I loved Tammy because I was blind to her true motivations. Tammy used her southern charm to fool and manipulate me.

Tammy Sweeden was attracted to me due to my significant savings plus I was in the path of a significant inheritance.  This is what Tammy Sweeden had her eye on.  It was not me.  During the time I knew her, she got as much of my money as she could.  Finally, her frustration and her patience had ran out.  She simply created a plan to murder me and steal everything I had of value.

Unfortunately, it took me getting shot and losing my entire life-savings before I woke up to WHO Tammy Sweeden  REALLY is.  I had to look beyond her fake persona or disguise.   I also had help from my close friends and professionals who kept me in a logical mind set.  It was a tough realization, but it’s true.  Tammy never loved me  – all she ever wanted were my assets.  My gut said that … but my mind never accepted it until after the incident.  I always wanted Tammy to prove me wrong – however, instead she kept confirming it.

I was the perfect “mark” for a grifter, like Tammy Sweeden. My parents were deceased.  I had no children and I was estranged from family members. I have two close friends.  Tammy Sweeden also convinced me to create a “Living Will” with her as the only beneficiary.  (Naturally, it’s been changed now.)

A LIVING WILL made sense at the time due to the fact, I had no other persons to leave my assets if anything were to happen to me.  At the time, it made more sense for Tammy to receive everything rather than the state. However, because I was blind to her motivations, I also opened up a situation of GREED and set myself up to be murdered for money.

The reason I explain all of this is so YOU will not make the same mistake.  Always do your best and due diligence before creating a “Living Will” with ONE beneficiary.  Even though you think you know someone – do your homework and investigate WHO that person really is.  Do not go on your own intuition or gut feeling.  Through out history, wealthy people help protect their assets by only marrying those who also have money, so they will not be prey to a predator.  It is NOT just in the movies.  People WILL KILL for money!!!

Tammy Sweeden tried to kill me probably more than the TWO times I know about.  I believe she wanted me dead after she got her copy of the Living Will.  She was always concerned that my living relatives would contest the WILL.  She also got money from me using other methods such as;

  • Asked for urgent sympathy money to pay her pressing bills –to the tune of thousands of dollars.
  • Staged a fake burglary where she stole thousands of dollars in jewelry and investment coins.
  • Embezzled thousands from my corporate bank account.
  • Finally, she discovered my hidden safe and stole my life-savings.

I have no doubt, I’m not Tammy Sweeden’s only mark.  I’m sure she has robbed several men.  She’s a professional con-woman.  Do I feel like a fool?  I cannot lie.  Yes, I do, but life goes on.

What is more painful than being shot?  Tammy Sweeden stole just enough money so she can act and look rich for ONE or TWO years.  That’s it!!!  This is what my life was worth?  Tammy, if you’re reading this, then SHAME on you.  Karma is creating a plan for you right now.  I do not have to do anything.  Karma will take care of you.

I do not hate Tammy Sweeden, I realize this might be confusing to many people, however, I wish nothing but “light” and “love” for Tammy Sweeden.  Always love the person not the “Act”.  Tammy Sweeden simply is not aware what life is all about.  There is more to life than just looking and acting rich to strangers in the world.  Strangers do not care how much money you have.  If you find someone to “love” and they “love” you, then money is not an issue either.

Money is NOT the root to evil – it is the LOVE of money that is the root to evil.  People who love money will KILL for it.  Never love money.  Money is only a tool. Treating each other with kindness is essential for a peaceful and prosperous life.

Avoid those who place too much emphasis on money.  Grifters and predators are in all areas of our lives.  Beware of those who bate you with small freebies in order to gain your confidence.  It’s an old con-trick.  They may be setting you up for the big STING.

Living life can be tricky.  Stay aware and keep your eyes open and ask with curiosity. What is this person’s motivation?  Request that people prove their intentions.  After all they are part of your ONE life.  If you want to learn to trust a certain person, then ask a person whom you think might be fibbing or lying to prove their statement.  Trust is everything when creating a relationship.  There is no need for you to “blindly” trust a person.  If they have a problem with your curious request of proof – then they probably do not value your desire for a trusting relationship.

When they finally ask you for a favor or money, then ask yourself questions.  Do I trust this person?  If so, then why?  Is it because they give you little “freebies”?  Are they using your good nature?  Are they using the sympathy card?  Are they trying to tap your greed?   Are they pressuring you to give money because it is an emergency?  – this keeps you from thinking too much or too logical.  Another good trick they use.

Con-men and con-women will try to turn the tables and make YOU look like the bad apple. Do not let this happen.

They will try to make YOU feel ashamed and guilty.  Don’t fall for it.  They will even call you greedy and selfish if you do not comply to their demands.  REAL people might remind a person of their good deeds when they are going unnoticed.  A con-man wants to remind you of the “bones” he throws your way.

A greedy con-man will seldom give anything of “real” value for free – his mission is to take value from you for NOTHING.  Con-men and con-women LOVE money more than people.  They are usually narcissistic and without empathy for others.  They are sick people and belong in a cage eating shit sandwiches.  There is no known cure for these people.

If you know someone like this, then start separating yourself or avoid them.  Your life will not improve.  They will drain you emotionally and financially.  Nothing good will come from associating with these people.  Most of them survive by controlling others or they lurk in the shadows, act like your best friend, then wait when you’re the most vulnerable before they attack.

Usually, once a narcissistic asshole knows you’re on to his/her method of operations, they will usually try to “hurt” you emotionally or physically before vacating your life.  This proves they NEVER were a friend and NEVER had any positive intentions towards you.  Let them leave.

Tammy Sweeden is a sick and dangerous woman.  Just because she hasn’t robbed you or shot you yet, does not mean she’s not capable of doing it or involving you in one of her capers.  The Police are watching her.  Separate your self from her ASAP.  Tammy Sweeden may still be associating with a cross-dresser named Christopher Mower (alias Chrissy).

“Evil” can ony prevail when good people do NOTHING.”  Contact me if you know Tammy Sweeden or have information regarding her schemes.

Tammy SweedeN is a thief and a killer.