Two Year Anniversary Since Tammy Sweeden Tried to Murder Me

Today is My Two Year Anniversary Since
Tammy Sweeden (Sociopath) Tried to
Murder Me and Robbed Me of
My Entire Retirement Fund.

Before you give away your love, your friendship, your trust, your money or your life . . . you should read this website first!

Lesson Learned:
 a Good Steward of Your Assets

When I look back upon the tragedy that happened to me on May 14, 2012, sometimes my eyes well up with a few tears.  The main reason is; I think about how hard my mother and father worked and sacrificed to save money. They were not wealthy people. I was fortunate to receive a significant inheritance when they died and along with other “savings” of mine – it was to be my retirement funds.

Many times, I have apologized (in my thoughts) to my parents for not being a good “steward” of my assets.  I lost it all to a “skunk”, a sociopath, a parasite, a predator.  I lost it all to someone who wanted me dead.  I lost it all to someone who did not deserve one penny.

Tammy Sweeden (sociopath) tried to murder me and she stole my retirement fund for herself and her lover.  This incident is not only a tragedy but I blame myself for not being a good steward of my assets.  A lesson learned. Tammy Sweeden will be defeated.  I will never give up. =========================================

 Naturally, hind-sight is 20/20. In a brief nut-shell, this is what happened.

Bottom line is this: Tammy  Sweeden (sociopath) had been stealing or conning me out of money practically since the first 30 days I knew her.  She used sympathy and my emotions to get what she wanted.  I was not a wealthy man at all, but I had “savings” and an “inheritance”.

Looking back, Tammy was trying to find a way to steal the entire “inheritance” from me and my siblings all along. I knew Tammy Sweeden for 7 years. I always thought she had a “quirkie” personality and most people will tell you the same thing. (too-good-to-be-true) However, looking back, I was actually experiencing a “fake” personality. She wasn’t “real”. Everything about Tammy is a “fake” and a “fraud”.  I never knew the real Tammy Sweeden, but I believe I know her now.  “A Devil in Disguise”. Tammy Sweeden (sociopath) masqueraded as a close trusted friend.  This was her weapon.  Trust was the veil she used to HIDE her true intentions.

  • In the winter of 2007.   It’s apparent now, that it was Tammy who actually staged a fake burglary at my home.  (stole about $50,000)  She stole all my parents jewelry and some gold coins, etc.
  • For 7 years, Tammy, used sympathy and was able to con me out of about $25,000 in cash plus I provided support money on and off for (7) years.
  • Tammy Sweeden tried to murder me in 2009 with an over-dose of Opioids mixed in soup. By ambulance, I was taken to emergency room.  Why do I suispect Tammy Sweeden.hind-sight is 20/20 –  because I was about to buy some property and I would be paying cash.  Naturally, she wanted that cash.  Tammy Sweeden was also sole beneficiary in my WILL.
  • Tammy Sweeden tried every trick she could, to get me to marry her.  Naturally, if I did, then my life would have been cut short  a long time ago. In the mean time, she had convinced me to place her as the only beneficiary in my Will.  Another stupid mistake.
  • In 2010, Tammy Sweeden said there was a dangerous man stalking her.  She said it was a man she had dated. She asked me for one of my guns.
  • Against my wishes, I loaned her a small gun.  Naturally, her intention was to kill me with my own gun.   The stalker story was a LIE.  I’m assuming her plans were foiled or had changed at that time.
  • In the fall of 2011, I move to Idaho.  She remained in Vegas.  I believe Tammy had developed a plan during that time.
  • After a couple of months, she called crying, saying she was almost homeless and unemployed. She was on FOOD STAMPS.
  •  I sympathized, as usual, and offered her the upstairs (two bedrooms/bath) in my home in Idaho.  I wired her traveling money and she drove to Idaho. She ONLY brought a few clothes.  She obviously wasn’t planning on staying very long.
  • She drove her “lover”, Chris, to Utah to live with his parents and she drove on to Idaho to take advantage of me.  He obviously did not have a car or possibly lost it in a DUI situation.  I believe this guy was probably the “drunk” she had been living with.
  • I asked about my small gun when she arrived in Idaho– she said it was left in her storage unit in Vegas.  She said that she did not have it.
  • The situation was perfect for her. I was up in Idaho – isolated from those who knew me.  During the six months in Idaho, she snooped around for my small safe and setting the stage to murder me. She did everything she could to ruin my reputation with others. (behind my back).
  • A few months later – She drugged me, shot me in the chest with the same gun ( I had loaned her) and robbed me of my retirement funds.
  • As of this writing,  I’ve not heard from Tammy Sweeden. I wonder why?

In the winter of 2012, Tammy Sweeden started drugging me. She would make me tea, coffee and health shakes. Occasionally, after consuming a beverage, I would get sleepy and sleep 3 to 5 hours. (unlike me) Naturally, this gave her time to snoop in my home and on my computer. She was hunting for my small safe.

She knew I had my “retirement funds” locked inside it. I invested in gold/silver bullion. Due to my weird sleepiness and strange long naps – she was trying to convince me, I was dying.  She said, “If you should die, what will happen to me?”  Tammy was cleverly trying to get me to give-up the location of the safe – again, using sympathy.

A couple of weeks later, (after almost having a serious auto accident) I decided to privately create a map with the location of the small safe – just in case something DID happen to me.  Yes, very stupid of me.  I’m sure she would had never found the small safe without the map. I put the map in an envelope in a drawer in my bedroom – marked with her name.  She obviously found the map. Three days later, I was drugged again and she SHOT me in the chest (a kill shot- only 1” from my heart.)  She immediately left the house to create her alibi.  She left me to die in a pool of blood.

After being questioned by police, Tammy Sweeden left town with my “small safe”.  Guess what?  While I was in the hospital – no calls – no visits from Tammy Sweeden.  She did not expect me to live – so she fled out of town in a hurry. It appears, the Police either believed her story that I tried to commit suicide or they were grossly incompetent.  Forensics says; “No fingerprints were found on the gun”.  (In the words of the Police – “This is obviously a case of attempted murder”.)

Why wasn’t Tammy Sweeden considered a suspect?  After all, she was the only other person who lived in my house.  The police also know; People who commit suicide do not wipe off their own finger prints – only KILLERS do that. (they know she’s guilty – they would have to be morons not to see what had happened.)

“It’s hard to admit that it feels shameful and lonely to realize you weren’t actually loved and appreciated when you thought you felt it.  Sociopaths/Psychopaths are actors – they do not give love – but they have the ability to make you “think” you’re loved.  You must remember, sociopaths/psychopaths always have an agenda and your well being is never at the top of their priority list.”

The Police refuse to discuss the case with me.  Tammy Sweeden hired an expensive criminal attorney to protect her from the Police.  Where did she get the money to hire a criminal attorney?  You guessed it! It obviously came from my retirement funds.

Tammy Sweeden was never arrested.  I also have a fuzzy memory of Tammy Sweeden standing in front of me as I sat on the couch right before she pulled the trigger.

Some people wonder if there was an argument or any type of violence that lead up to the shooting.  The answer is “No”.  Nothing like that happened at all.  Our relationship in Idaho was very peaceful.  I believe it was extraordinarily peaceful because Tammy had an agenda and she DID NOT want to say or do anything that would rock the boat. She normally would have a personality change and turn mean after 2 or 3 months due to her bi-polar mental disorder.  However, this time she was on her best behavior – I’m thinking she was taking medication.

Tammy is also a drug addict.  She’s addicted to pain killers.  I do not take drugs and seldom drink alcohol. Why was I with a drug addicted sociopath/psychopath?  My best answer is; I didn’t realize all of this until it was too late.  Naturally, had I known all of this – Tammy Sweeden would have been out of my life many years prior to this….and she knew it. She hid much of her character flaws from me, just like any sneaky con-artist would do.

Tammy Sweeden had many reason for coming to Idaho.  She did not have money, so she needed me to support her and pay her bills until she could do what she planned to do.  FIRST– find my small safe. SECOND, murder me. THIRD, escape to be with her lover.  Tammy and her lover did not have any money. He was living with his parents in Utah.  Neither of them had the skills to earn a decent living.

Tammy would sneak off to Utah about once a month for a few days to be with her lover.   She told me she was being flown by a workman’s compensation doctor for monthly injections (pain medication).  I had a feeling she was leaving to see someone. We had a platonic relationship – there was NO reason to lie. Tammy Sweeden was all about lies and deception.

I’m sure the only reason she lied about her lover is because it would “add” to her motive for murdering me. Tammy and I had a friendly “Platonic” relationship.  I was developing a marketing company and she would help on occasion – however, mostly she played video games and talked with her “friends” or lover on the phone.

I was unable to finish creating the marketing company because Tammy Sweeden stole all the funds that were necessary to invest into it.

Every since she left Idaho.Tammy  Sweeden has been moving and running around the country,  She’s spending my (retirement funds) on expensive hotels and traveling.  She enjoys traveling and acting rich.

The small town Police removed personal items from my house, while I was in the hospital.  They promised to return it all.  However, they “LIED”.  I could sue the

Police department for the theft of over $2,000 worth of items they removed from my home while I was in the hospital.  What type of Police would remove personal LEGAL items from a victim’s house and NOT return them?  YOU DECIDE.

Many people say I should “Sue” the Police for their incompetent handling of the attempted murder case?  The Police KNOW Tammy Sweeden is guilty – however,they messed up several details of the investigations and let her get away.  Many people have certainly advised me to SUE.  However, attorneys want money.

She not only wrecked my life – but she stole my peace of mind.  She stole my retirement funds.   What type of woman would do this?   Answer:  A sick, selfish, greedy sociopath.  A predator –  A parasite.

Yes, I used to blame myself and ask, “Why couldn’t I see what she was and what her intentions were?”  I used to beat myself up daily.  I felt like a fool because I was so good to her and she crapped on me.

Tammy Sweeden is a sociopath and con-artist – she played her criminal game well.   Did Tammy Sweeden have the “Opportunity, Motive and the Weapon?”  Of course she did.  Did she also have co-conspirators (others to help her) . . . of course she did.  Now What?  Answer is:   I WILL DO WHAT IS NECESSARY!!

Your donations are very much appreciated.  Thanks.